Monday, April 30, 2012

Celebrity Justice ; Edwards Trial, Who is Less Credible Edwards or Andrew Young? And How About Clemens Trial,Clemens or Brian McNamee?

As you probably know, the criminal trials of Roger Clemens and John Edwards are both taking place at the same time . Many similarities in the two cases. Both bigger than life personalities. Both hugely successful. Both rich! Each one with an "enlarged ego ". Each one had full control over the decisions that were made that landed them in their respective messes!
So while the 2 prosecutions really only affect Clemens and Edwards, the trials are intriguing nonetheless. And yes, each could and probably will serve time if convicted!
So where will these prosecutions be one won or lost ? As usual , on the testimony of the cooperating witnesses . In Edwards, much of the case will hinge on who do you believe, Edwards or Andrew Young ? Neither did you say? In Clemens , Brian McNamee or Clemens ? Is anyone, anywhere telling the truth ?
So right now both defense teams will be taking their collective whacks at the "star witnesses" on cross-examination , and then after all the smoke clears the decisions have to be made as to whether Clemens and Edwards will testify.
My predictions; Clemens and Edwards both take the stand . They somehow both believe the jurors will believe them and only them. Hey, at lot at stake here.
Neither would look particularly good in stripes(not pinstripes you nitwit!). Should be entertaining.

Legal analyst Steve "Clarence Darrow " Goldman reporting.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Dow Closes at 13,200, But Can't Seem To Climb any Higher!

The Dow Jones closed yesterday above 13,200. Certainly nothing to sneeze at. In fact , since breaking 13,000 it has creeped above 13,200 a number of times . But due to a variety of factors it cannot get to the next plateau (or even 13,300 for that matter ). More and continuing bad news coming out of Europe has put a damper on things. Be patient.
My prediction: Next week we string a few strong days together, get over the 13,300 hump and "13,500 " here we come !
Be positive!

Wall Street Economist Steve "Market-Watch" Goldman reporting from Broad and Wall.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Knicks; Do The Right Thing, Remove Woodson's "Interim Tag" and Reward Him With a 2 Year Contract!

The Knicks are 17-6 under Woodson. Defensive intensity has sunk in across the board(Even Melo). Opponents points per game are down . The team is finishing strong and "no one " is taking them lightly ! Excitement and pride are back at the Garden...Yes, and hoops in May in New York ! Woodson, a former player and 1st round draft choice , and NBA journeyman has the respect of his players, staff, management and is respected throughout the league.
So what are you waiting for? Step up ! Give him a 2 yr $6 million ($3 mill per) contract and let's move on.

What's right, is right!

NBA analyst Steve "Wilt" Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

John Edwards' Troubles Continue ..Chief Lieutenant ,Andrew Young Details Affair, Coverup, etc !

John Edwards had a difficult day on trial yesterday. Former top aide, Andrew Young testified in glaring detail about Edwards' affair, payment of hush money by a rich benefactor , transfer of the monies , cover-up, hiding , possible blackmail and Edwards' direct involvement . Not pretty. But of course that was Young testifying on direct examination(not yet cross-examined by defense lawyers) and with " full immunity " .
To me the big question here is not whether Edwards' was (and is ) a sleazebag, not whether he was dishonest, not whether he was a horndog and not whether he cheated on his dying wife while running for the Presidency !
The only question is after sifting through all these ugly details, is whether he violated Federal Election Law? Will a North Carolina jury convict the "Golden Boy " in his home state ?
I'm not so sure....Your thoughts ?

Political analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Knicks, If Only They Can Get That 6th Spot! Or 8th Spot!

So the Knicks are 34-30, have clinched the playoffs , but face the near impossible task of meeting and beating either Miami or Chicago in the first round of the playoffs. Right now they sit in the 7th spot and would face the Heat. They're 2 games back of Orlando with 2 to play and a half game ahead of the Sixers .
Of course I'd give anything to finish 6th and play the Pacers in the first round . Or 8th and play the Bulls,who if the Knicks play perfectly have a punchers chance of beating . But because of Miami's "D" and superior athleticism I don't feel good about the matchup...Do you ?
In any event Amare is back, Melo is peaking at the right time and the team believes in itself ..Nothing like April and the start of the NBA playoffs!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

You Have to Excuse Andy Pettitte If His Mind Isn't Entirely on Rehab, His Testimony Could Convict Clemens!

How time flies! Roger Clemens' re-trial has gotten underway after last summer's mistrial . Misery I'm sure for Clemens .Although in his warped mind he may be looking at an acquittal as vindication for Hall of Fame purposes. I bet now he wishes he consulted counsel before shooting off his big trap.
While jury selection was scheduled for Monday, it has been put on hold to allow the Presiding Judge to make rulings on the scope of Andy Pettitte's testimony(in limine rulings). As you may recall , Pettitte is expected to testify that Clemens told him he used "HGH". Must be gut-wrenching for a former best friend to be placed in that position.
The Court's ruling on the issue may play a huge role in the ultimate determination of guilty or not -guilty. We shall see.
Stay tuned to the trial of "Mr. My Sh_t Don't Stink " Clemens . Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Secret Service Agents Wanted...New Job Benefits, Relax at Local Bordellos While Guarding the President!

One of the the most stressful jobs on the globe has to be a Secret Service Agent on "Presidential Detail". So it would seem natural that the agents find a way to "blow off steam"(Blow being the key word here ). What better way to relieve stress than to "lay back", drink whiskey and hire local "ladies of the night " just 2 days before the President "comes " to town. Hey, good to pump(ok bad choice of words) money into the local economy.
This is exactly what 11 Secret Service Agents and "Specialized Military Personnel " are accused of doing in Cartegena, Colombia a couple days before our President arrived in town for a conference. I understand things would have been kept under wraps(not under the sheets you dimwit) if one ornary agent didn't short-change one of the ladies. Obviously "the locals " don't provide a discount upon being shown " a Secret Service Union ID card ". What a shame . So as the story goes, this one agent tried to pay his escort $30 rather than the customary $250. I guess satisfaction is not guaranteed.
To add insult to injury, these knucklehead agents took their guests up to their rooms. Oh I forgot. They probably left their Secret Service condoms with the Presidential Seal in their rooms. Can you envision this scene ? Agents, hookers, guns, surveillance equipment..Yikes. I wonder if the agents made their ladies wear bullet-proof vests while they did it. May be a little cumbersome if they're on top. Oh , you get the point.
In any event , after enjoying the local delicacies, I'm glad the agents were able to "zip up" and protect "POTUS ". I'll bet there's a waiting list for the stop in Bangkok!

Presidential analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Mirror , Mirror on the Wall, Who is the Greatest Knick Offensive Player of All-Time?

The Knicks have given me plenty of thrills and just as much heartache over the past 40 years . 1969 and 1973 champs . Bernard King and the Detroit Series! The Ewing Era . 1999 with Camby , Sprewell and Houston .The brutal years following Van Gundy leaving the team . Now we are finally watching some meaningful basketball again at the G-A-R-D-E-N . Hey, the Knicks may finish " plus -500 " and make the playoffs 2 straight years . And make no mistake about it, we have a bona fide superstar in "Melo ".
Which leads me to my question of the day; Who is the greatest Knick offensive player of all-time? Dick McGuire , Walt "Clyde " Frazier, Willis Reed, Earl "The Pearl "? Ray Williams ? Sugar Ray Richardson " ? Bernard King ? Ewing ? Starks , Houston, Sprewell , Stoudemire ? Well that pretty much covers the list .
Woops, we forgot one. I'll give you a hint . He's 6'8 , quick as a cat, strong, unlimited range, has a mid-range game, post-up and goes to the hole as well as any small forward in the league. Career average 25 points plus. An offensive machine . Yup Melo! In back to back weeks against the Bulls and Miami he had 2 of the best offensive explosions you could you ask for. Put the team on his back and they rode him!
Yes , I know he's only with us for a little over a year . But , in my opinion he has the most complete and versatile offensive game of any Knick of all-time. Love watching him.
Can he keep it up? Your thoughts?

Friday, April 13, 2012

NBA Basketball; Are Bulls as Good Without Rose as With? I'm Only Asking?

Ok , we all know Derrick Rose was the League MVP last year. Amazing point guard . Goes to hole and hits unbelievable acrobatic shots. Clutch . Athletic . One of two best point guards in the league ...I get all that . But is the "Bulls team" as good without him as with him?
Couple of points. He's played an unbelievable amount of minutes over the last four years. Now has what appears to be a chronic lower back condition. Needs the ball in his hands . Doesn't shoot a great % from the floor and takes a lot of shots.
The Bulls as we know predominantly beat you with D, D, D , rebounding and hustle . Of course you got Deng, Boozer, Lucas the 3rd, Korver, Gibson et al who can all score . But the Bulls are about TEAM! In Rose's absence they've played .700 ball . Lucas has fit in nicely and has scored the ball. Contributions from everyone across the board . So are they actually as good without him ?
Answer ; In a long NBA regular season probably . But come playoffs , where scoring the ball becomes much more difficult...The answer is no. So of course they need him, but I think the Bulls have found out something out about themselves during his absence .

They are very good team without him, and possibly a great team with him!

Let's see if they can break through this year.

Steve "Hoops" Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ozzie Guillen; Do You Love Castro or Hate Castro ? Make Up Your F__in Mind Already!

Well Ozzie, you've done it again ! You've stuck your proverbial size 11 foot in your mouth . Look Ozzie , you've been great for baseball and your support for Latino players ! No doubt . Good player . World Series winning manager . Funny . Outspoken , a " player's manager ". Yes, we know.
But Ozzie this is not the first time you've said something stupid, ignorant or insensitive . You have a history of saying boneheaded things on politically sensitive issues . The Marlins and Miami knew what they were getting with Guillen. Let's not sugarcoat it.
So let's look at what he said in the English interview . I "love Castro " . Three words . I....knows what "I " means . "Love"-defined as an intense feeling of deep affection . Ozzie I'm sure has told his family that in "English " and Spanish a million times . And Castro , remember him . One of the most cold-blooded, cruel, oppressive , brutal dictators of " all-time ". Certainly , Ozzie knows who and what Castro is all about.
He then goes on to say he respects him for staying in power for 5 decades . Big shit . If you didn't follow him without hesitation you were jailed, tortured or killed. What's to respect ? So Ozzie, I for one don't buy your explanation that you were misquoted or it didn't come out right in the interview. That's bull.
Ozzie you are guilty! Guilty of speaking emotionally without thinking first. For being dumb . Insensitive . Using terrible judgment and talking about issues and people that you don't know sh_t about .
I honestly don't believe you're bad or hateful, just very friggin rough around the edges . Ozzie, this is what we're going to have you do . Read and be educated about Castro . See and hear about all the lives he destroyed . Then you're going to tour Cuba and see the poverty and hopelessness that exists on that once beautiful island .
Then Ozzie you can tell us if you "love or hate Castro"!

International reporter Esteban Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Roger Goodell, You Blew It! You Let Saints off Much Too Easy...

So yesterday's news that the suspensions handed down by the NFL were upheld by the Arbitrator is hardly shocking . What is shocking , is that in one of the worst scandals in NFL history (with overwhelming evidence) the League let Payton and Company get away with a slap on the wrist . Think about it. In this day and age with all the career -ending injuries, the "concussion issue " playing front and center and the underlying " violence theme" in the NFL , Roger Goodell had a chance to send a real ,hard , lasting message .But he didn't !
GM gets 8 games . Payton the whole season . Woopee do! Let's fully grasp the fact that Payton et al either expressly or impliedly consented to premeditated actions to maim, disfigure and injure opposing players ...Who happen to be human beings....Not animals. Remember, this is not an uncivilized country without rules, morals(ok I'm stretching it) or checks and balances.
In my opinion, the appropriate penalties would have been;
1. Payton-5 yr suspension;
2. GM-5 yrs
3. Defensive Coordinator-banned for life and
4. Players involved in bounty , suspended for periods between 4 and 8 games. That would have been a strong message . Not what amounts to a sabbatical!

Sean, at least you'll have plenty of time to work on your golf swing.

NFL analyst Steve "Cheap Hit " Goldman reporting.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Carmelo and the Knicks...The Garden Was Rocking and it Felt Like Old-Time Playoff Basketball!

Man oh man! If you are a Knick fan and weren't excited yesterday, then you better check your pulse . I was waiting for Ewing , Starks, Anthony Mason and Oakley to check in for the Knicks ; And Michael, Scotty and Rodman to check in for the Bulls . Intense, agressive play on both sides of the floor. Both teams refusing to die .
We could spend an hour talking about the great efforts and contributions from both teams. But at the end of the day, it was all about Melo . He demonstrated to the world that he is one of the premier offensive players in the game , and one of the few players who can put an entire team on his back (when needed) and carry them to the finish line . Offensively, I rank him up there with Kobe and Durant, way above the rest . Stuff for the ages. No fear in taking the big shot.
So let me go out on a limb here with this statement . That was the biggest win at the Garden in the last ten years for the Knicks!
Anyway, no rest for the weary. Rematch tommorrow night on ESPN. Be there or be square.

"Skip " Goldman reporting.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Knicks Basketball; Chandler Manhandles Howard...Knicks Romp in Orlando !

Grow up Dwight Howard ! You're a baby, you're immature and you've made a mockery of this basketball season for your team . Look everyone knows you're an unbelievable physical specimen. With Patrick Ewing's hard work you've developed an "excellent low post game ". I don't care what you might say about Stan Van Gundy. He's a very good coach, dedicated and he cares! Something I can't say for you every night. Man up!
Anyway to last night's game . Knicks were hungrier, more aggressive, played better "D " , and it doesn't hurt to shoot 13- 25 from the 3 point stripe . In my opinion, key to the game ...Chandler completely took Dwight out of the game. Shut him down in the low post, rebounded like a crazed individual and worked the pick n roll like it is supposed to be run.
Suffice to say, he dominated and frustrated Howard . Case closed .
So as the drama continues in Orlando, the Knicks are making a playoff surge . Hey, we miss you Jeremy and Amare, but defensive effort "every night " can make up for a lot . Keep on pushing...Maybe we can get out of the eighth spot.

Knick beat writer Steve "Red" Goldman reporting.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mets Opener Today...Team Starts With a Clean Slate!

Nice sunny day for the Mets home opener today . Johan Santana on the mound . Reyes gone . Beltran gone . The "Madoff Monkee " off of Wilpon's back . Outfield walls moved in . Hopefully a sell out ! What more can you ask for? I know, I know .Pitching , hitting and defense. I get it.
But today should be special. Two time Cy Young award winner on the mound. Unblemished record. High expectations ....Dreams . Hot dogs and beer . No work .
Play ball!
This has been Marvelous Marv Throneberry reporting.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Reggie Miller Gets in the Hall; Good Choice!

As a Knick fan you hated him. Loud-mouthed, cocky , "a marksman-like shooter" and most importantly he wanted the ball in crunch time. And throughout his 18 year career with the Pacers , he delivered! Big time.
Six conference finals appearances. His nickname, "The Knick Killer " couldn't have been more fitting. Time and time again he drove the dagger through the Knicks "collective hearts ". Twenty five points in the fourth quarter at the Garden . Eight points in 8.9 seconds . Uncanny! Thirty four clutch points to knock the Knicks out of the Conference Final round.
Of course we hated him. But grudgingly you had to respect him. Scored 25,000 points . Many of them long-range. Hit an awful lot of jumpers. Think of the thousands of hours of practice and dedication needed to get him to that level.
At the end of the day he's in . Yes, and he will join "big sister " Cheryl in Springfield !
Should be an emotional day come September 3rd.
Spike Lee, will you attend the Induction Ceremonies?

NBA analyst Steve "Hot Rod " Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Supreme Court 5-4; Strip Searches , Even for the Most Minor Offenses Permitted.

Just when you thought the "Righties " on the Supreme Court had done everything possible to dilute our Constitutional Protections...Guess again. They're at it again! Yesterday, in a 5-4 vote the Court held that even in the case of the most minor criminal offense (without suspicion) , a criminal defendant , before entering the general prision population can be strip- searched and subjected to "a close visual inspection". Are we talking microscopes here? Field glasses from the opera ? Binoculars ? A telescope ? How many guards can participate in the search and "close visual inspection" ? Will this be a "coed sport " ?
How long will the strip search and "close visual inspection " be permitted to go on for? Minutes, hours, weeks? Basically, this ruling permits prision guards to perform strip searches of anyone(male or female) in any situation they want(even if they're just bored) including in instances of DWI's , domestic violence, orders of protection, harassment(who's harassing whom?) disturbing the peace and even for " jay-walking ". No questions asked! Did anyone say "police state"?
The ruling itself is disturbing , but what is most disturbing is the fear of how far they have gone and how much further they could go in the future . Scary! Say sayonara to the concept of "illegal searches and seizures " . Oz has spoken. Those protections may well be things of the past!
This has been Supreme Court Reporter Steve "Stripped of all Constitutional Protections " Goldman reporting.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Did See YouTube of Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, Perry and Paul at the Karaoke Bar?

The Republican Presidential Candidates have been great to me over the past year. I don't know where my blog would be without them. Thanks . From "Right Wing Rick, to "Pasty Newt ," to the 2000 year old man Ron Paul, to Rick " I don't need no stinkin Constitution " Santorum and finally to " Baseball Mitt " Romney ,who never met a company he couldn't buy , pillage and sell off for scrap. I never imagined that five ultra-boring individuals could be the source of so much laughter . You rock!
Believe it or not, on the eve of Romney wrapping things up , this exchange between the "Big 5" was caught at a Northern Virginia Karaoke bar on YouTube .
Ron Paul: "Thanks for the memories". " Timeeeeee, is not on my side, no it ain't ".
Perry: " Hallelujah. Hallelujah" . Back to Church, I mean state. Oh , forget it, I'm confused.
Gingrich: "I'm so crazy . I'm so crazy" .
Santorum : " Should I stay or should I go now?
Romney: Here I come , walking down the street. I get the funniest looks from everyone I meet. Hey, hey I'm Mittttt. People say I monkey around , but I'm too busy raising money from those almighty "Super- Pacs".
Group: Five blind mice. Five blind mice. See how we run. See how we hide...
Super Pacs: "I Can Buy You"(actual lyrics):
A life of sanity and dignity
You know it takes two
and what's the use in being a millionaire
if I can't have you
I wanna buy you ...a home
I'll pay your friends if you're feeling
the pain of losing a candidate like you
it's a bigger cost than paying your dues
I can buy you, oh yeah, oh yeah.

From the "Right Wing Karaoke Bar ", this has been S.F. Goldman reporting.