Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Secret Service Agents Wanted...New Job Benefits, Relax at Local Bordellos While Guarding the President!

One of the the most stressful jobs on the globe has to be a Secret Service Agent on "Presidential Detail". So it would seem natural that the agents find a way to "blow off steam"(Blow being the key word here ). What better way to relieve stress than to "lay back", drink whiskey and hire local "ladies of the night " just 2 days before the President "comes " to town. Hey, good to pump(ok bad choice of words) money into the local economy.
This is exactly what 11 Secret Service Agents and "Specialized Military Personnel " are accused of doing in Cartegena, Colombia a couple days before our President arrived in town for a conference. I understand things would have been kept under wraps(not under the sheets you dimwit) if one ornary agent didn't short-change one of the ladies. Obviously "the locals " don't provide a discount upon being shown " a Secret Service Union ID card ". What a shame . So as the story goes, this one agent tried to pay his escort $30 rather than the customary $250. I guess satisfaction is not guaranteed.
To add insult to injury, these knucklehead agents took their guests up to their rooms. Oh I forgot. They probably left their Secret Service condoms with the Presidential Seal in their rooms. Can you envision this scene ? Agents, hookers, guns, surveillance equipment..Yikes. I wonder if the agents made their ladies wear bullet-proof vests while they did it. May be a little cumbersome if they're on top. Oh , you get the point.
In any event , after enjoying the local delicacies, I'm glad the agents were able to "zip up" and protect "POTUS ". I'll bet there's a waiting list for the stop in Bangkok!

Presidential analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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