Monday, April 9, 2012

Carmelo and the Knicks...The Garden Was Rocking and it Felt Like Old-Time Playoff Basketball!

Man oh man! If you are a Knick fan and weren't excited yesterday, then you better check your pulse . I was waiting for Ewing , Starks, Anthony Mason and Oakley to check in for the Knicks ; And Michael, Scotty and Rodman to check in for the Bulls . Intense, agressive play on both sides of the floor. Both teams refusing to die .
We could spend an hour talking about the great efforts and contributions from both teams. But at the end of the day, it was all about Melo . He demonstrated to the world that he is one of the premier offensive players in the game , and one of the few players who can put an entire team on his back (when needed) and carry them to the finish line . Offensively, I rank him up there with Kobe and Durant, way above the rest . Stuff for the ages. No fear in taking the big shot.
So let me go out on a limb here with this statement . That was the biggest win at the Garden in the last ten years for the Knicks!
Anyway, no rest for the weary. Rematch tommorrow night on ESPN. Be there or be square.

"Skip " Goldman reporting.

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