Wednesday, April 25, 2012

John Edwards' Troubles Continue ..Chief Lieutenant ,Andrew Young Details Affair, Coverup, etc !

John Edwards had a difficult day on trial yesterday. Former top aide, Andrew Young testified in glaring detail about Edwards' affair, payment of hush money by a rich benefactor , transfer of the monies , cover-up, hiding , possible blackmail and Edwards' direct involvement . Not pretty. But of course that was Young testifying on direct examination(not yet cross-examined by defense lawyers) and with " full immunity " .
To me the big question here is not whether Edwards' was (and is ) a sleazebag, not whether he was dishonest, not whether he was a horndog and not whether he cheated on his dying wife while running for the Presidency !
The only question is after sifting through all these ugly details, is whether he violated Federal Election Law? Will a North Carolina jury convict the "Golden Boy " in his home state ?
I'm not so sure....Your thoughts ?

Political analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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