Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ozzie Guillen; Do You Love Castro or Hate Castro ? Make Up Your F__in Mind Already!

Well Ozzie, you've done it again ! You've stuck your proverbial size 11 foot in your mouth . Look Ozzie , you've been great for baseball and your support for Latino players ! No doubt . Good player . World Series winning manager . Funny . Outspoken , a " player's manager ". Yes, we know.
But Ozzie this is not the first time you've said something stupid, ignorant or insensitive . You have a history of saying boneheaded things on politically sensitive issues . The Marlins and Miami knew what they were getting with Guillen. Let's not sugarcoat it.
So let's look at what he said in the English interview . I "love Castro " . Three words . I....knows what "I " means . "Love"-defined as an intense feeling of deep affection . Ozzie I'm sure has told his family that in "English " and Spanish a million times . And Castro , remember him . One of the most cold-blooded, cruel, oppressive , brutal dictators of " all-time ". Certainly , Ozzie knows who and what Castro is all about.
He then goes on to say he respects him for staying in power for 5 decades . Big shit . If you didn't follow him without hesitation you were jailed, tortured or killed. What's to respect ? So Ozzie, I for one don't buy your explanation that you were misquoted or it didn't come out right in the interview. That's bull.
Ozzie you are guilty! Guilty of speaking emotionally without thinking first. For being dumb . Insensitive . Using terrible judgment and talking about issues and people that you don't know sh_t about .
I honestly don't believe you're bad or hateful, just very friggin rough around the edges . Ozzie, this is what we're going to have you do . Read and be educated about Castro . See and hear about all the lives he destroyed . Then you're going to tour Cuba and see the poverty and hopelessness that exists on that once beautiful island .
Then Ozzie you can tell us if you "love or hate Castro"!

International reporter Esteban Goldman reporting.

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