Monday, April 16, 2012

Mirror , Mirror on the Wall, Who is the Greatest Knick Offensive Player of All-Time?

The Knicks have given me plenty of thrills and just as much heartache over the past 40 years . 1969 and 1973 champs . Bernard King and the Detroit Series! The Ewing Era . 1999 with Camby , Sprewell and Houston .The brutal years following Van Gundy leaving the team . Now we are finally watching some meaningful basketball again at the G-A-R-D-E-N . Hey, the Knicks may finish " plus -500 " and make the playoffs 2 straight years . And make no mistake about it, we have a bona fide superstar in "Melo ".
Which leads me to my question of the day; Who is the greatest Knick offensive player of all-time? Dick McGuire , Walt "Clyde " Frazier, Willis Reed, Earl "The Pearl "? Ray Williams ? Sugar Ray Richardson " ? Bernard King ? Ewing ? Starks , Houston, Sprewell , Stoudemire ? Well that pretty much covers the list .
Woops, we forgot one. I'll give you a hint . He's 6'8 , quick as a cat, strong, unlimited range, has a mid-range game, post-up and goes to the hole as well as any small forward in the league. Career average 25 points plus. An offensive machine . Yup Melo! In back to back weeks against the Bulls and Miami he had 2 of the best offensive explosions you could you ask for. Put the team on his back and they rode him!
Yes , I know he's only with us for a little over a year . But , in my opinion he has the most complete and versatile offensive game of any Knick of all-time. Love watching him.
Can he keep it up? Your thoughts?

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