Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Roger Goodell, You Blew It! You Let Saints off Much Too Easy...

So yesterday's news that the suspensions handed down by the NFL were upheld by the Arbitrator is hardly shocking . What is shocking , is that in one of the worst scandals in NFL history (with overwhelming evidence) the League let Payton and Company get away with a slap on the wrist . Think about it. In this day and age with all the career -ending injuries, the "concussion issue " playing front and center and the underlying " violence theme" in the NFL , Roger Goodell had a chance to send a real ,hard , lasting message .But he didn't !
GM gets 8 games . Payton the whole season . Woopee do! Let's fully grasp the fact that Payton et al either expressly or impliedly consented to premeditated actions to maim, disfigure and injure opposing players ...Who happen to be human beings....Not animals. Remember, this is not an uncivilized country without rules, morals(ok I'm stretching it) or checks and balances.
In my opinion, the appropriate penalties would have been;
1. Payton-5 yr suspension;
2. GM-5 yrs
3. Defensive Coordinator-banned for life and
4. Players involved in bounty , suspended for periods between 4 and 8 games. That would have been a strong message . Not what amounts to a sabbatical!

Sean, at least you'll have plenty of time to work on your golf swing.

NFL analyst Steve "Cheap Hit " Goldman reporting.

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