Monday, April 30, 2012

Celebrity Justice ; Edwards Trial, Who is Less Credible Edwards or Andrew Young? And How About Clemens Trial,Clemens or Brian McNamee?

As you probably know, the criminal trials of Roger Clemens and John Edwards are both taking place at the same time . Many similarities in the two cases. Both bigger than life personalities. Both hugely successful. Both rich! Each one with an "enlarged ego ". Each one had full control over the decisions that were made that landed them in their respective messes!
So while the 2 prosecutions really only affect Clemens and Edwards, the trials are intriguing nonetheless. And yes, each could and probably will serve time if convicted!
So where will these prosecutions be one won or lost ? As usual , on the testimony of the cooperating witnesses . In Edwards, much of the case will hinge on who do you believe, Edwards or Andrew Young ? Neither did you say? In Clemens , Brian McNamee or Clemens ? Is anyone, anywhere telling the truth ?
So right now both defense teams will be taking their collective whacks at the "star witnesses" on cross-examination , and then after all the smoke clears the decisions have to be made as to whether Clemens and Edwards will testify.
My predictions; Clemens and Edwards both take the stand . They somehow both believe the jurors will believe them and only them. Hey, at lot at stake here.
Neither would look particularly good in stripes(not pinstripes you nitwit!). Should be entertaining.

Legal analyst Steve "Clarence Darrow " Goldman reporting.

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