Friday, April 13, 2012

NBA Basketball; Are Bulls as Good Without Rose as With? I'm Only Asking?

Ok , we all know Derrick Rose was the League MVP last year. Amazing point guard . Goes to hole and hits unbelievable acrobatic shots. Clutch . Athletic . One of two best point guards in the league ...I get all that . But is the "Bulls team" as good without him as with him?
Couple of points. He's played an unbelievable amount of minutes over the last four years. Now has what appears to be a chronic lower back condition. Needs the ball in his hands . Doesn't shoot a great % from the floor and takes a lot of shots.
The Bulls as we know predominantly beat you with D, D, D , rebounding and hustle . Of course you got Deng, Boozer, Lucas the 3rd, Korver, Gibson et al who can all score . But the Bulls are about TEAM! In Rose's absence they've played .700 ball . Lucas has fit in nicely and has scored the ball. Contributions from everyone across the board . So are they actually as good without him ?
Answer ; In a long NBA regular season probably . But come playoffs , where scoring the ball becomes much more difficult...The answer is no. So of course they need him, but I think the Bulls have found out something out about themselves during his absence .

They are very good team without him, and possibly a great team with him!

Let's see if they can break through this year.

Steve "Hoops" Goldman reporting.

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