Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Supreme Court 5-4; Strip Searches , Even for the Most Minor Offenses Permitted.

Just when you thought the "Righties " on the Supreme Court had done everything possible to dilute our Constitutional Protections...Guess again. They're at it again! Yesterday, in a 5-4 vote the Court held that even in the case of the most minor criminal offense (without suspicion) , a criminal defendant , before entering the general prision population can be strip- searched and subjected to "a close visual inspection". Are we talking microscopes here? Field glasses from the opera ? Binoculars ? A telescope ? How many guards can participate in the search and "close visual inspection" ? Will this be a "coed sport " ?
How long will the strip search and "close visual inspection " be permitted to go on for? Minutes, hours, weeks? Basically, this ruling permits prision guards to perform strip searches of anyone(male or female) in any situation they want(even if they're just bored) including in instances of DWI's , domestic violence, orders of protection, harassment(who's harassing whom?) disturbing the peace and even for " jay-walking ". No questions asked! Did anyone say "police state"?
The ruling itself is disturbing , but what is most disturbing is the fear of how far they have gone and how much further they could go in the future . Scary! Say sayonara to the concept of "illegal searches and seizures " . Oz has spoken. Those protections may well be things of the past!
This has been Supreme Court Reporter Steve "Stripped of all Constitutional Protections " Goldman reporting.

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