Monday, April 2, 2012

Did See YouTube of Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, Perry and Paul at the Karaoke Bar?

The Republican Presidential Candidates have been great to me over the past year. I don't know where my blog would be without them. Thanks . From "Right Wing Rick, to "Pasty Newt ," to the 2000 year old man Ron Paul, to Rick " I don't need no stinkin Constitution " Santorum and finally to " Baseball Mitt " Romney ,who never met a company he couldn't buy , pillage and sell off for scrap. I never imagined that five ultra-boring individuals could be the source of so much laughter . You rock!
Believe it or not, on the eve of Romney wrapping things up , this exchange between the "Big 5" was caught at a Northern Virginia Karaoke bar on YouTube .
Ron Paul: "Thanks for the memories". " Timeeeeee, is not on my side, no it ain't ".
Perry: " Hallelujah. Hallelujah" . Back to Church, I mean state. Oh , forget it, I'm confused.
Gingrich: "I'm so crazy . I'm so crazy" .
Santorum : " Should I stay or should I go now?
Romney: Here I come , walking down the street. I get the funniest looks from everyone I meet. Hey, hey I'm Mittttt. People say I monkey around , but I'm too busy raising money from those almighty "Super- Pacs".
Group: Five blind mice. Five blind mice. See how we run. See how we hide...
Super Pacs: "I Can Buy You"(actual lyrics):
A life of sanity and dignity
You know it takes two
and what's the use in being a millionaire
if I can't have you
I wanna buy you ...a home
I'll pay your friends if you're feeling
the pain of losing a candidate like you
it's a bigger cost than paying your dues
I can buy you, oh yeah, oh yeah.

From the "Right Wing Karaoke Bar ", this has been S.F. Goldman reporting.

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