Friday, March 30, 2012

Masters Tourney ; Beautiful Courses, Great Event, But It's 2012..Don't You Think It's Time To Allow Woman Members?

I don't think anyone could dispute that the Masters Golf Tournament is Special. The courses are are a thing of beauty , immaculately maintained and with its "southern charm " it is the premier golf event in the world and a well-recognized major sporting event. Those who are not even regular PGA Golf watchers, I'm sure tune in to watch at least on Saturday and Sunday . The Tounament and it's prestige are comparable to Wimbledon .
So what is wrong ? I don't know. I get an uneasy feeling about a golf club and its members who only started admitting African-American members in 1990 to avoid a major public controversy. I'm sure they've employed African-American caddies, locker-room attendants, shoe shine personnel and greenskeepers. Don't you think? Now they refuse to admit woman as members . Do you think the members still engage in weird, old world rituals with with black robes, blindfolds and vows of secrecy ? Animal sacrifices ? Do you think when members' wives come to the "Club " for dinner and drinks they are blindfolded from the parking lot until they reach the coatroom?
What is the big fu_ in deal about admitting woman ?
You know what? It might even spruce things up ...The same old, pasty faces, wearing green jackets and striped pants downing Martinis or Johnny Walkers in darkened bars can get old real quick....Did anyone say time warp?
Ok, I got a compromise . How about admitting "redneck transgender members "? That would be a start! Who knows what would be next ?(shssh, a Jewish member(woman).Oy vey. Ok, let's not get wild and crazy. Time to consider important things like pin placement.

This has been "Redneck Golf Analyst " SF "Winthrop " Goldman reporting . And don't forget your 1960's polyester green sport jackets. "Fore "!

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