Thursday, March 22, 2012

US Supreme Court ; Justice Kennedy, Nice Job Upholding Accused's Constitutional Protection...You Were "Right On "(Not Right Wing) With Your Vote!

Holy cow! Justice Kennedy , a loyal member of "the Right Wing Five " actually joined the liberal 4 (Ginsberg, Sotomayor et al) and upheld our beloved Constitution .Yes , can you believe it ? Justice Kennedy's vote amazingly resulted in a 5-4 vote in favor of a criminal defendant's right to have "effective legal counsel " during the plea agreement process . Did someone say" no more being sold down the river "?
The most shocking aspect of the vote was that this Supreme Court had been on a steady diet of eliminating individual's constitutional protections ? Scary stuff. Can you imagine if Rick "No Concept " Santorum got in the White House? His Supreme Court Nominees might include Judge Judy, Judge Wapner, Billy Graham Jr., Rick Perry, Ronald McDonald and Sara Palin . A fine group of experienced Jurists as you may well concede .
But for the moment reason, rationality and the strength of the Constitution has defeated the hear no evil, see no evil , say no evil dimwits on the the other side of the bench. Right has defeated wrong...Wait, I'm confused..Right has defeated "Right"..Oh you know what I mean! Keep the" faith" ..Oh sh_t, bad choice of words. Hang(ok no death penalty..I get it) in there!

This has been US Supreme Court analyst S.F. Goldman reporting.

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