Monday, March 5, 2012

All-Time Stupidest Statements; Rush Limbaugh Calling Sandra Fluke a Slut!

"Right Wing Rush has done it again! Yes , his beyond idiotic statement last week calling the D.C. college student "a slut " ranked right up there in all-time stupidity . He actually apologized ,which is probably "too little , too late" . What is even more mind-boggling is that Limbaugh's syndicated radio show is the most listened to radio show in America ...600 affiliates . Can you imagine?
Let's put it this way, I wouldn't ever admit to listening to that "assinine show " , even under the imminent threat of waterboarding. Actually , being forced to listen to that show for 4 straight hours is probably more extreme torture than being waterboarded . Close one.
So this morning more bad news for Rush. Sponsors have abandoned him, "woman's groups " are unifying to protest and Sandra Fluke may sue(It aint no "fluke"). Rush may be wishing he used a somewhat different word to describe Ms. Fluke .
Oh well . If it all goes to the crapper for Limbaugh, he can take solace in the fact that he'll always have a job as Rick Santorum's campaign manager . Did someone say two peas in a pod ? VP for Ron Paul ? Or maybe Billy Graham's accountant. You get the point.
This has been political analyst Steve "Left-Wing"(not chicken wing you dummy) Goldman reporting.

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