Monday, March 26, 2012

Breaking News, Tim Tebow to Play Back-up QB,Fullback, Tightend,Defensive End, Return Punts, Serve as Backup to Jeremy Lin and Act as Jets Chaplain !

So the big press conference was today. The Stage Deli has already named a sandwich after him . His ancestry has been traced to Hackensack 350 years ago and not even a single snap has been taken . All for the bargain price of $2.5 million.
Interesting comment . Rex Ryan was asked where would the Jets play him . Rex said he'll play, " he's a football player "! That reminds me when you asked someone about a girl in high school if she was cute, and the answer was "she's a nice girl ". Get my drift?
So is this town big enough for Jeremy Lin and Tim Tebow? Can they share one pulpit? I mean stage. Will they, Lin and Tim replace "Boomer and Carton " in the morning? Does Tebow like Chinese food ? Living in New York will he become a registered Democrat? Why are you asking me all these questions?
Hey, while I applaud Woody Johnson's business acumen, the jury is still out as to how Tebow will fit in with the Jets . He's a competitor and will probably work harder in the off-season than most.(Not Sanchez you say). Look if if makes 4 or 5 short first downs each week and takes 5 more snaps he can be an asset . Let's hope and pray. I couldn't stop myself. Sorry.
Maybe Mark Sanchez will even let him sleep on his couch.
This has been Jets beat reporter Steve Scoop Goldman reporting.

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