Thursday, March 15, 2012

Knicks Finally Win...Feels Like Deja Vu!

Knicks are 7 and 15 . All hope is lost. No chemistry. They're going nowhere quickly. Carmelo and Amare can't play together . D'Antoni is a bum. No defense. No intensity . No boards . Team is almost unwatchable . Then out of fu__in left field comes Jeremy Lin and "Linsanity " and we're taken on a three week " magic carpet ride "!
But lo and behold reality sets in . It's Melo's fault . It's Amare's fault . Lin has weaknesses. Too many guys in the rotation! D'Antoni must go.. It got ugly real quick. Would they ever win again?
Well last nights' win to me gave me that same feeling as the win against the Nets last month.
Relief, hope, renewed expectation. Interest again. Excitement. Maybe, just maybe playoff basketball in New York on Mother's Day ! Did they actually play "D" last night or was Portland so pitiful? (Figment of my imagination).
I gotta confess. I fell asleep in the 4th quarter, Knicks up 25. When I got up this morning and was drinking my "5 Hour Energy Drink, I was hoping and praying they did not collaspe and blow the lead.
You know what? Even with the NCAA's starting in earnest today, I'm looking forward to Friday nights' game against the Pacers. Are we all gluttons for punishment? Your thoughts?

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