Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Knicks Win Fourth Straight, Why Did it Take a Coaching Change to Get Maximum Effort From Players?

Hey Mike Woodson is making his presence felt. Defense, effort, defense and more effort are his mottos . Are my eyes deceiving me or are Melo and Amare actually playing defense with effort and intensity? Bottom line with Woodson is if you don't, you'll sit! No matter who you are . Lin is playing under control. Getting familiar with where Melo and Amare like the ball . In this crazy, topsy-turvy season, the Knicks are currently fun to watch.
But one disturbing question comes to mind, why do high-paid professional athletes making "sick money" need a coaching change to put forth maximum effort? Even my friend Joe K , who is almost 60 puts forth maximum defensive effort every game when he plays hoop at the YMCA.
So yes, I'm glad we have effort for the past four games...Will it continue? Time will tell.

Sixers will be a good test tonight...Defense, defense!

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