Monday, March 12, 2012

Mike D'Antoni; Fire Him Now or At Season's End?

As positive as things were during the "Lin Streak ", things have gotten negative and nasty quickly . And the negative spiral is only picking up momentum and getting worse. Five straight losses, "no D ", Lin having a rough stretch, the rotation not working ...and shooting woes continue . Frankly, nothing is working ! The Bucks are suddenly on our tail and there is no relief in sight. I know the old adage, the coach doesn't play, the players do...but something has got to give.
Two weeks ago we were basking in a sense of " feeling good about the Knicks ". Now we're all left shaking our heads and slumping our shoulders. What is wrong ? While I don't dislike D'Antoni I have never been in love with his style geared towards offense, offense, offense. Yes it worked to a point with the Suns, but he had "all the Kings' horses and all the Kings' men " . After contemplating my navel over the past two weeks, I have come to a cold, hard conclusion ..The Knicks defense is subpar and you need strong defense to win in the NBA. Chandler plays good "D" . Shumpert is excellent . Jeffries plays hard..But Melo, Amare, Lin , Novak, Baron Davis. Come on. Give me a break. The effort and intensity is just not there. Can Melo and Amare play "D"? I don't know the answer to that question. Do you?
I can tell you one thing . D'Antoni is not the answer . Mike Woodson is . Make the move now, salvage the season. Don't wait till next year ! Still 27 games to go. Your thoughts?

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