Wednesday, March 28, 2012

John Edwards' Pe__ker Getting Him in Trouble Again!

Well, one good thing former Senator Edwards has going for him, is that his first name ,"John" matches exactly what he's accused of doing. Yes, being a "John " . Edwards has been mentioned as being a customer of "Millionaire Madam" , Anna Gristina . Edwards, whose life has flipped upside down in recent years , allegedly "hooked "up with a " high-end lady of the night " while in New York during his Presidential Campaign "swing " several years ago. Swing being the key word here .
I can just see see his exchange with his Secret Service team leader.
Edwards: I have a meeting in an hour to work on my oral skills.
Team Leader: Should I send a detail ? You know I have to stay " on top of things ".
Edwards: Don't worry I'll stay " on top of things "!
Team Leader : Mr. Edwards: Is this going to be like Indiana where you said you were going to the basketball courts to work on your "inside game "?
Edwards: I actually did need work on my "lay-ups".
Team Leader: Or San Jose , where you said you wanted to go in through the " back door " of that .....Or Nome, Alaska, where you wanted to travel "doggie-style"?
Edwards: ok, I get the point . You know afterall, I am in New York to "raise"......
Team Leader: Money Mr. Edwards sir.
Edwards: Hey, can you lend me some cab fare I'm late ....And, hmmm, the Secret Service Platinum Card. Thanks . And remember I snuck out on official ("monkey") business.

Poliyical Analyst, S.F. Goldman III, reporting.

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