Thursday, April 28, 2011

Raj Rajaratnam Trial; Jury Going into Day 4 of Deliberations....What do you make of it?

So as the jury goes into day 4 of deliberations, much is being made on their focus on the " replays of the wire tap recordings" of phone conversations between Mr. R and the "alleged insiders".
Here's my spin on that. Let's assume the defendant collected legitimate info on a merger and also collected "tainted insider info " on the same merger , and then trades and makes a healthy profit . What proof if any does The Prosecution have that defendant traded on "the illegal vs. legal information". And I'm not splitting hairs.. I see it as an acquittable issue. Real question is whether defense counsel pressed this point and whether jury is intelligent enough to understand it
My personal opinion is that jury will not buy it and will convict on most major counts. Your thoughts?

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