Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Goldman War Stories Revisited; One of My Favorite Cases.

One of my favorite cases occurred about 10 years ago. I represented a latino chef in a discrimination suit against one of our two major league baseball teams in New York. In addition to suing the team and executives ,I named the majority owner individually in the action. We filed suit in Supreme Court, Bronx County.
Defendants of course were represented by the biggest , baddest defense firm known to mankind. They attempted(unsuccessfully )"to paper me to death".
After answering interrogatories we attended a preliminary conference. A discovery order was issued(over objection) compelling depositions "of all parties", including the majority owner. After two adjournments, my motion to strike defendants' answer for failure to appear at court-ordered ebt's pending and the World Series around the corner....the case was settled.
Get this ;Reinstatement plus full back-pay. For me , a legal fee, 5 sets of tickets for the following season...and yes, I got to sit in the dugout while settlement papers were being executed at "The Stadium ". Surreal moment!
This has been another edition of "Goldman War Stories".

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