Saturday, April 9, 2011

Galleon Insider Trading Case; The Prosecution has Rested.

The Prosecution has rested in "The Galleon Insider Trading Case ". Plenty of witnesses, plenty of wiretaps and lots of strong evidence. Defense is only expected to call 5 or 6 witnesses; Is less better? Only time will tell. The defense theme will be that Galleon managed over $7 billion and prided itself on unmatched market research and keeping "their collective noses to the grindstone" at all times . At the end of the day it will be an interesting issue for the jury to determine whether in fact defendant acted on (and profited from) "alleged illegal insider information"......Or whether he acted on market research and information that was legitimately gathered. Going to take an excellent defense summation to explain this to the jury and to plant a viable seed for aquittal. Tough one for the defense, especially in light of the vast resources the Government has pumped into this prosecution. Stay tuned!

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