Friday, April 1, 2011

Governo Cuomo, What were you thinking with Proposed Cap on pain and suffering in Medical Malpractice cases?

Thank God Governor Cuomo's proposal to limit pain and suffering in medical malpractice cases failed! Just the fact that this was under strong consideration made me sick to my stomach. Has the Governor ever seen a brain damaged baby, a 25 year old paralyzed from medical negligence, a teenager blinded by an eye surgeon or a 50 year old ravaged by her primary doctor's failure to diagnose/treat cancer. I have! It's "gut-wrenching"! If that bill had passed[like some other ignorant states] we'd be placing a value of $250,000 on an individual's complete and total "loss of of enjoyment of life" and ongoing , excruciating pain and suffering. Again, Andrew M. Cuomo; What were you thinking?

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