Thursday, April 21, 2011

Galleon Insider Trading Case; Defense has Rested, Both Sides Have Summed up and Case Will Go to the Jury.

In what one could describe as the biggest, most intensive and most vigorous prosecution of a Hedge Fund money manager on"insider trading charges " in history a lot is at stake beyond the obvious question for the jury on whether to convict or acquit Raj Rajaratnam. If convicted, will that give the Government the confidence and momentum they need to prosecute others. If he is acquitted of all major counts, will that dissuade Prosecutors from investing the huge time, money and resources needed to prosecute cases of similar type and magnitude. Only time will tell.
Regarding the case at hand, I believe it will all come down "to the tapes". Were they clear, how did the defendant come across on the tapes? Brazen, arrogant, cocky, sneaky or secretive ? Since Mr. R did not testify at trial, the tapes are the only true way for the jurors to listen to him, analyze him and judge him. If they dislike him they will convict...if not they may not convict. Obviously , we didn't hear the tapes.
In any event, my opinion....Conviction on all major counts! ....Remember, the defendant is not OJ Simpson being tried in L.A.

Your thoughts?

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