Saturday, April 16, 2011

Knick Fans get a Grip; Boston is a much better Matchup than Miami.

Let me start out by saying that I am excited and totally looking forward to the Knicks-Celtics first round matchup...not to mention the next 2 months of NBA Playoff Basketball. I truly believe "the Knick series" will be entertaining and competitive . Don't ask me if "competitive " means 1 win, 2 wins or more. Can't and won't predict! All week long on "sports talk radio " fans have been calling in saying "we match up better" with The Heat. Fans, get a grip! While Boston is Boston, and they still have "the big 4", they are older, hurt and not nearly as athletic as Miami. Allright, allright I know they have 3 Hall of Famers, play great team ball and lock you down in the 4th quarter. But the Heat are younger, faster, quicker, more athletic and have a "very hungry Lebron" and "a very hungry Wade ". Not to mention Bosch, who is looking to shine in this playoff opportunity. No, I just can't agree. I, ( in my wildest dreams), can see the Knicks beating the Celts in 7. But, no matter how hard I try I can't convince myself that we can "beat those studs from South Beach". Just can't. Anyway, sit back, let the palm moisture start....Cause Sunday night live from's showtime!

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