Wednesday, April 27, 2011

NFL Players Obtain Order Enjoining Lockout.

Well, the torture to us die-hard fans continues. Legal wrangling, an injunction, no communication between players and management, "bad-blood", greed, the draft in virtual limbo...All, of course over the allmighty dollar. It's almost as if this whole "injunction, application for a stay, interim appeal scenario" has to run it's course so the NFL and Player's Union can say to their members that they did their jobs!
Football is so wildly popular(and so ingrained in our culture) , that us fans really have no leverage. People want to go to games, tailgate, watch on tv, go to parties and bars and play in "their fantasy leagues . So, unlike what happened in baseball about 15 years ago, it is doubtful us fans(suckers) will stop watching NFL Football.
So for now the lawyers, negotiators, owners, etc will have have their fun, check on their "strike insurance" , and will ultimately settle this thing on the 11th hour.
Be interesting to see how the terms of the ultimate settlement differ from those prior to "the lockout". Your thoughts?

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