Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bonds Trial; Defense gets a favorable Ruling On Admissibility of Tape.

Well ,the Prosecution has rested and "Bonds' defense team" gets ready to put on their case. They are expected to call six witnesses and obviously will attack the credibility of most or all of the Government witnesses including Steve Hoskins, Bonds' former business manager. Allegations have been floating around regarding alleged attempts by Hoskins to "blackmail Bonds ". What a world we live in! Anyway, the Prosecution just attempted to introduce into evidence "a newly discovered tape recording " between Hoskins and Bonds' ortho ,Dr. Ting . The Court ruled that not only was the tape of "poor quality " , but that it was essentially irrelevant to the issues before the Court and jury. Correct decision. Plus, where was the tape since 2005? Your thoughts? Will be mighty interesting to see the defense strategy and how they may account for Bonds' "small balls". Stay tuned.

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