Saturday, April 30, 2011

NFL ; I'm Mad as Hell and I'm Not Going to Take it Anymore!

Things have gone from the ridiculous to sublime , as it relates to the lockout ! Negotiations fail, owners "lock out " the players , players request and are granted an injunction in Federal District Court, facilities open, the "Draft " is held and lo and behold the owners seek and are granted an interim stay by the Circuit Court of Appeals effectively " restoring lockout status".
If this doesn't convince you that the NFL only cares about themselves and doesn't give "a rat's ass " about the fans....then nothing will. We're being played like a yo-yo...and to be honest I'm sick of it. I boycotted the draft, and I may very well boycottt the season ; Well, we will see.
All I can say is with our collective voices, let's hit them where it hurts..."Their pocketbooks"!

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