Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Insider Trading; How many Mergers and Acquisition Attorneys divulge "Confidential,Inside Information"?

There are countless sources on "non-public information" to tap into for stock traders including banks, investment banking houses, mail room employees, accountants and employees at "prospectus printing firms". But no source is more fertle than the "mergers and acquisitions attorney ", who has unlimited, unfettered and unscreened access to"all the lurid details " of proposed mergers or acquisitions. We discovered this week in the case of Matthew H Kluger Esq. , a senior associate in a Wash. D.C. "M& A Firm", that "greed is allmighty "! Mr. Kluger is accused of stealing information from three law firms and passing it on to a middleman...where it ended up in the hands of the ultimate trader. The temptation is great, the reward(easy $), but unfortunately nowadays with modern trading technology the "leads for prosecutors" to follow are like laying breadcrumbs on your hiking trail. Like any scheme, it's great until.......you get caught!..More lives and careers ruined over greed! Something to think about; How rampant is this scenario? Your thoughts?

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