Tuesday, January 31, 2012

MF Global Revisited..."Hey Mister Have You Seen My $1.28 Billion?"

Ok, correct me please as soon as I say something that sounds unreasonable (Not yet you knucklehead) . We have MF Global , a major financial institution , run by former Governor and US Senator Jon Corzine . There is over a billion dollars of customer $ missing . There are allegations and evidence that MF Global in it's final desperate days "tapped into client funds " to keep the ship alive. Corzine testifies in Congress and is treated by the members with kid gloves . Actually congratulated for a job well done(You know , effectively destroying the paper trail).
And "all the kings horses and all the kings men " cannot find one , red fu__in cent . MF's official position(I'm gagging) is "we don't know where the $ is"! Still , no indictments...just Bankruptcy business as usual . Lawyers, auditors, accountants and investment bankers getting richer. Corzine is probably planning his next venture already ....Only accepting money from deaf, dumb and blind people from Iowa, over 90 years old with net worths of $50 million and up. Bernie Madoff will be the treasurer, Ivan Boesky the CEO, Michael Milliken will be in charge of investments and Raj Rajaratnam will be in charge of "Research and Development". Can't miss!
So am I missing something here ? Or is there some logical(I meant contrived) explanation to all this?
You know what? I got the answer ..The next time someone asks you for an accounting of funds, just simply turn, look em straight in the eye and say " I honestly don't know where the money is ". Case closed! No further questions .

This has been Wall Street analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Goldman Memories ; Robert Hegyes at age 60 and Dick Tufeld age 85 Pass Away ?

You must be shrugging your shoulders and crinkling your forehead and all the while saying" who the heck is Robert Hegyes , and who is Dick Tufeld ? Well, before you run to your Google Search key, let me take you on a trip down memory lane. You ready ?
Robert Hegyes played (Juan) "Epstein" the lovable Puerto Rican Jew on "Welcome Back Kotter " alongside Vinnie Barbarino(John Tavolta ) in the mid and late 1970's. Hegyes , who grew up in N.J. died this past weekend after arriving at the hospital in full cardiac arrest. Show brings back fun memories.
So you now ask " who was Dick Tufeld" ? Don't you remember the show Lost in Space ? The Robinson Family. Well , Tufeld was the voice of the talking robot ...His most famous statement was "Danger Will Robinson !" Classic. Remember it like yesterday. I can picture myself now, eating Ring Dings, drinking Yoo-hoo and watching afternoon reruns of Gilligan's Island, The Andy Griffith Show, Hogan's Heroes and Lost in Space . Ah, the good ol days(lol)...No responsibilities, no bills, ...Black and white tv...No cable! Allright, enough already !
Ok, back to work! God Bless!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Greg Kelly, You Couldn't Keep Your Pe__er in Your Pants....Your Current "Headache " is No Ones Fault But Your Own!

Merriam Webster defines " horniness " as an intense sexual desire . Synonyms include ardor, concupiscence ,eros, eroticism , itch, lustfulness and passion. And Greg, let's add in "stupid, careless, naive, dumb, dumb, stupid and of course(not inter-course silly) instant gratification...Oh yeah , and under the definition of "bad judgment " in the dictionary is your picture .
Greg, was she that hot ? Was shtupping on top of "Blacks Law Dictionary " really what it had cracked up to be ? Was the liason considered billable time for her ? How many times did you mention you were a Channel 5 Anchor and Police Commissioner Kelly's son during foreplay ? For all this trouble I HOPE YOU DID IT AT LEAST TWICE .
And Greg when did you forget you were a decorated Marine, respected news anchor and son of Commissioner Kelly ? Before the first drink, after the first kiss, ...right from the get go ? S-T-U-P-I-D !
Hopefully you'll extricate yourself from this nightmare , save your career and make peace(not piece of ass you dimwit) with your daddy. Rosanna Scotto is beside herself [literally].
And remember , next time you get that horny, just go to an Asian massage place...Much cheaper...And always a "happy ending"!

News correspondent Steve Goldman reporting.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thaddeus Jiminez, 32 Year Old Chicago Man Awarded $25 Million By a Jury For Serving 16 Years in Prision ,and Then Exonerated!

Thaddeus Jiminez congratulations . After wrongfully serving 16 years in prision resulting from the misconduct of Chicago Police Officers , a jury recently awarded him $25 million dollars. Details are not available as to whether defendants made any settlement offers before the jury rendered it's verdict . The award basically compensates Mr. Jiminez to the tune of $1 and a half million dollars for each year of incarceration .
Interesting question, would the average 16 year old agree to spend 16 years in jail in exchange for $25 million and life of luxury for the next 50 years? Depends on you are and what are your prospects?
In any event the saga is far from over. Still have post-trial motions, an appeal...And get this, Mr. Jiminez was recently convicted of drug possession and is facing possible time.
I truly hope there is a " happy ending " somewhere for this young guy. He's been through a lot!

Your thoughts?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nation's Dumbest Moves...South Carolina Citizens Voting for Gingrich is Right Up There With Their Secession From the Union in December 1860.

I gotta tell you, I have lost so much respect for the South Carolina Republicans who voted for Gingrich and handed him a victory in the recent Republican Presidential Primary. Everytime I see his face or hear his name I get the Hebe Gebes....He's weird, sneaky, unpredictable, loose-lipped, not fit to lead and looks a lot like Humpty Dumpty..Who will be his running mate? The Pillsbury Dough Boy?
South Carolina hasn't done anything this assinine since seceding from the Union on December 20th, 1860 . And we know how that turned out! Oy vey. So what could the people from the beautiful state of South Carolina have been thinking when they supported Gingrich? Was it a prank ? Was the field that weak?(yes) . I honestly don't know.

Wait , I think I have the answer . South Carolina is planning on seceding from the Union again, and this time instead of Jefferson Davis they want Newt (Pasty Face ) Gingrich to lead the Confederacy...Here we go again.......

Monday, January 23, 2012

So Giants Are NFC Champs...Where Does This All Put Eli in Historical Perspective ?

That was one tremendous game(well actually games) yesterday . I was uptight the whole game... Couldn't really enjoy my Heineken . The crowd, the weather, West Coast Sunday night game, the Giant's improbable run, Super Bowl at stake, great defenses , every possession critical, overtime.....and of course Eli!!! Seventh game winning drive for him this season. Total, 1000 % "team effort"! Now on to Indy, in what may be one of the highest rated Super Bowl's ever. NBC is drooling all over itself!
So without rehashing one of the greatest Giant wins of all-time , the question that comes to mind is where does all this put Eli in terms of history. First off, he's had the greatest year so far of any Giant quarterback ever . If the Giants win the Super Bowl in two weeks , here's my three questions for you ;
1. Is he the greatest Giant QB ever?
2. With two "rings " how would you compare him all-time vs."big brother Peyton" ? and,
3. If he has another 5-7 strong years , does he make Canton ?
I think all 3 queries should stir up some real healthy debate . Don't know the answers yet....
But hey, let's revisit them after the Super Bowl ..Lets go Big Blue!

Friday, January 20, 2012

NFL Conference Championship Games...Expect Two Close Ones!

So we've been through the "lockout ", lawsuits, a new Collective Bargaining Agreement, a shortened preseason, a full 16 game schedule, 2 rounds of playoffs and it all comes down to Sunday for invitations to the biggest sporting event in America,....Yes the Super Bowl. Ravens -New England , followed by the Giants -49ers. Two excellent matchups... Networks can't be too unhappy either !
So I won't bore you with my analysis of the games . I'm sure you've heard that all week.

I will get straight to my predictions . New England 27-20; Giants 23-21.
Hoping for two close, exciting games. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hip ,Hip Hooray , Dow Finally Hits 12,500!

I predicted at the latter part of 2011 that the Dow would fight, struggle and finally reach 12,500 and that 13,000 would be next. Wouldn't Obama love that ? So after (for what seemed like an eternity) teetering in the 12,000-12,300 range , the Dow finally closed over 12,500 yesterday..Remember the day ! 13,000 here we come.
That of course is unless Slovakia's economy implodes.

This has been Wall Street Analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bernie Fine Scandal, Prosecutors' Case Not Going to Be Easy.

Well Syracuse's mens basketball team keeps on rolling along , but it's tough to tell if the prosecutors have lost some momentum in pursuing the Bernie Fine case . As I understand it , there were initially four accusers related to allegations of sexual abuse against Fine.
The "lead accuser " , armed with a graphic audio-tape just pled guilty to his own sexual abuse charges . Yikes! Not good . Another one of the four accusers, currently an inmate, just recanted his accusations and bluntly stated that he lied to the police about Fine to get back at the former assistant coach for not hiring a lawyer for him to fight a criminal conviction. Wow, crazy stuff.
In any event , the prosecution is now down to 3 accusers...one having a whole truckload of baggage.
So at the end of the day with these problems, the passage of time and statute of limitations issues, etc.....Is this now a case that can be successfully prosecuted to conclusion ?
Your thoughts?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tim Tebow for President...You Don't Even Need a Great Throwing Arm!

Ok, Republicans....I got the answer for your woes . Yup, you guessed it , Tim Tebow . Now that Huntsman is out, Perry is inconsequential and Gingrich is on the verge of being committed to a mental ward, it is time for a fresh, new, young face. Tebow is the answer.
He's young, athletic , right-winged(only thing left about him is the arm he throws with) and after last Saturday's performance he may need new work. Hey, Perry could even be his VP on an all "Evangelical Ticket". Then , if elected he and "Right Wing Rick " can push for a constitutional amendment getting rid of the " Separartion of Church and State " and mandating open , loud prayer on sports fields , Courthouses, schools and on the floors of Congress.
Big photos of Billy Graham could be posted everywhere, and only good "prayer skills " would be needed for up and coming quarterbacks...rendering arm strength an obsolete characteristic. On the flip side, all aspiring Evangelical Preachers would have to learn how to run the option play, no ifs, ands or buts about it.
The country could be renamed "Tebowland " and there would only be one global Twitter account called " TEB-WITTER ".
And yes, instead of debates , the moderator would simply take out a tape measure and measure bicep size of the candidates . Biggest biceps win .
And if all else fails he can run independently on the " Virgin Ticket "(Not a subsidiary of Virgin Atlantic you dumb dumb). And the great thing about that party line is it's impossible to ever get screwed. Should be interesting.
This has been political analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Giants in Huge Win, First Time I Have Ever Seen Rodgers Frazzled!

Well, the moon , the stars and the sun lined up perfectly for "Big Blue " and the end result a convincing and honestly a demoralizing win over the defending champion(15-1) Packers. Eli, Nicks the defense...Oh my God! A win the Giants have to consider one of their most gratifying ever! And let's not forget , perhaps the biggest play of all, "the Tyree type catch " by Nicks on the "Hail Mary " at the end of the first half. Shocking play. In reality, the Packers "D " did look weak on the play...Not the Ravens for sure.
But perhaps the most astounding observation of today's game was the fact that for the first time maybe ever, Rodgers was visibly shaken and frazzled . Was it the pressure of the front four, the dropped passes, his poor throws to open targets, the fumbles , the Giants offense putting big numbers on the board or the cumulative effect of all of the above ? End result , huge "W " for the Giants...Long winter for Rodgers and the Pack.
Rodgers is a gamer and a great QB , and will be back . But it goes to show you just how truly difficult it is to repeat in the NFL .
So tonight there will be some victory celebration while traveling home in style for the Jints...Tommorrow off, and then time to start preparing for their trip to Candlestick Park.

Only one game away now. Can you taste it?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Giants Football; At Least They Have a Punchers Chance !

Doesn't get much better for Giants fans. Late season resurgence. Team is as healthy as they've been all year. Yup, peaking at the right time. Total domination of the Falcons last week. Comparisons to 2007. Can Eli lead them to the promised land again ?
So the Giants go into Green Bay for the late game Sunday , long underwear in tow. I can tell you one thing, the Giants respect, but do not fear "the Pack ". One big difference from 2007 is that Favre was already in his decline(although still dangerous) while Rodgers is in his prime playing at a superhuman level . Green Bay's defense though is vulnerable. Running game, well it all comes down to Rodgers as I said.
In a regular divisional weekend this could be the marquee game. But with Saints-49ers and Tebowettes vs. New England Saturday night the game is actually being overshadowed.
We know Rodgers will put at least 28 points on the board. Can Eli match him?
My prediction; Game comes down to one crucial 4th quarter fumble.
Lets go 'Big Blue"!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Don't Look Now, Lakers 8-4 and Kobe Playing at a Very High Level!

Sometimes the best trades are the ones that never get made . Case in point , the nixing of the Lakers -Chris Paul deal by David Stern . Yes, thay did lose Lamar Odom in the scrum , but all of a sudden Mitch Kupchak may be realizing what he's got aint so bad . Gasol, Bynum , Kobe et. al are finding ways to win.
Kobe , "the closest thing to Michael you'll ever see " , playing with the bad wrist has put the team on his back and is carrying them. Inside, outside, mid-range, drives to the hole ....you name it, he's doing it . Fun to watch.
So with no real unbeatable team in the NBA, do the Lakers have enough to beat Chicago(yes), Dallas (yes) , OKC (great series), the Clippers (fun to watch that one ) and ultimately Miami (not so sure) ?
All I can do is click my heels together and say " there is no place like the NBA, there is no place like the NBA"!
Doubleheader tonight .

NBA analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dow Jones Desperate to Get Over 12,500.....13,000 could be next!

At the time I'm preparing my blog the Dow Index is at 12,412 . For a while it's been in the 12,300-12,400 range...Trying mightily to clear the "artificial, magical " 12,500 plateau. Just not enough investor confidence or good news to get over the hump.
With some good news (jobs,) 12,500 could be just around the corner....Then lo and behold 13,000 is within sight!
Who woulda thunk?

This has been Wall Street analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Knicks Hoops..When Was the Last Time You Saw Them Convert So Many Alley-oops in One Game ?

Well the Knicks got a "W " last night against Charlotte . It was not pretty, believe me ! The Knicks continue to make Boris Diaw look like he's all-world. But you know what? A win is a win .
To me the biggest positive to come out of this game besides Stoudemire's resurgence is the athleticism the Knicks displayed . Stoudemire, Melo, Chandler and Shumpert are very athletic and it showed last night . Four or five highlight reel type slams off alley-oop passes were uplifting to say the least !
Think hard , when was the last time four different Knick players got in the act ? And you know what, this will continue as defenses continue to double and triple team Stoudemire and Melo . Fun night at the Garden .
And yes the Knicks are 5 and 4.
Next up Sixers on Wednesday night.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Tim Tebow, He's a Good Player, But all This Hype ? Come On!

Am I missing something here ? Yes , Tim Tebow is big, strong, smart . Had a tremendous college career . Has potential to be the greatest running quarterback of all-time.(Let's not forget Bobby Douglass, Michael Vick ,Joe Kapp ). Great moral character . Was 7-4 as a starter this year , albeit in the last three games (losses) there was virtually no offense. Until yesterday he was thought of as a "below-average NFL passer ".
So what has changed ? Yes, a great performance yesterday against the Steelers . Ten completions, 314 yards . One running TD, two passing TD's, including an 80 yard TD completion in overtime to win it. Yes, dramatic stuff !
But, you would think that his performance yesterday made him a guaranteed " first ballot " Hall of Fame inductee " in Canton . Give me a break. Hey, Mark Sanchez helped get the Jets to AFC Championship games in his first 2 seasons before taking a step backwards this year . Tebow has won exactly ONE PLAYOFF GAME .
I'll tell you what. If he goes into New England this weekend and gets a "W", now we're talking!
This has been Steve Goldman, NFL beat writer reporting.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Wildcard Weekend, Great Stuff !

So here we are again. January 2012, and it's "Wildcard Weekend " again. Jets are out , and in turmoil. Giants are in and have the Falcons at home. Should be awesome playoffs . 49ers or Saints in the NFC, Pats or Ravens in the AFC.
The Giants also seem to be peaking at the right time. With the running game healthy, the "front four " still very dangerous , Eli at the top of his game and superstar Victor Cruz, they will be interesting ! Which Giant team will show up, is the question.
Anyway can't wait till Saturday 4:30 and then prime time Saturday night. Nothing like it!
Sit back and enjoy!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

If a Republican is Elected President, I'm Moving to Canada .

I gotta tell you , that is one fu__in scary looking Republican field of candidates . I cringe just thinking about them . Well , three are basically out . Homophobic Michelle Bachman quit . She's opening a hair salon with Sara Palin.
"Right Wing Rick Perry " received one vote in all of Iowa from a retired Evangelical corn farmer . Newt Gingrich's ear size continues to grow . He's still living in a friggin time warp . One very weird guy ...Probably secretly enjoys whips and chains .
So that leaves us with Mitt Romney . I could never vote for someone with a first name which is the same as a piece of sports equipment ("baseball Mitt"). Then there is Ron Paul who is a "re-tread", who just won't retire . Did anyone say Tea Party ? I rest my case! Finally, Rick Santorum a former Senator and practicing attorney . Boy oh boy, Rick's legal careeer has been filled with big victories and noble causes, including his representation of the World Wrestling Federation in it's litigation where he argued that they should be exempt from steroid oversight because wrestling was not a sport. Just the kind of "health nut " we want in office . Maybe Barry Bonds will run as his VP.
So where does that leave the field ? South Carolina and New Hampshire are next . (Yawn).No more debates please, I'm begging you ! More torture.
Hey you know what, I got an idea . Let's "black out " all future coverage of the Republican primaries . Yeah, just wake me when it's over this summer and let me know who won . If necessary I can take a crash course in French, in case I actually have to move to Quebec. Oui, oui .

Political analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mikhail D. Prokhorov, Running for Russian Presidency, Do You Really Have Time for the Nets?

The Nets newest owner, billionaire , playboy Mikhail D. Prokhorov now apparently has political ambitions. He has thrown his hat into the ring to challenge Putin for the Russian Presidency . Maybe he feels if becomes President he can better protect his billions....Who knows ? His candidacy has to be considered (under all the circumstances ) a long shot at best . Maybe he has too much time on his hands?
So are the Nets really in his future ? Yes, he got Deron Williams . They're moving to Brooklyn. He's been trying to get Dwight Howard and simply put a respectable product on the floor.
But, can you imagine this scenario ? Prokhorov is elected President . The Russian people are in full-scale revolt. The Presidential Palace is being stormed ...
Prokhorov then gets on the Presidential loudspeaker addressing a million crazed revolutionaries .
" I have to leave for the NBA All Star Game tonight , can we pick up this revolution stuff in a week or two"?
This has been NBA analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Wall Street 2012; Back to Where We Started?

So here we go...2012 is here! Holidays are over for now. Kids back to school . New Years' resolutions...Planned diets. More exercise . Yeah, yeah you got it . One thing that starts out in 2012 almost exactly where it began 2011 is the Dow Jones .
Starting 2012 at about 12,200 , just a few points above 2011's start . So what did all the volatility, ups and downs, stress, worry, panic , buying, selling, downgrades , "Occupy Wall Street ", etc really mean . At the end of the day not a whole hell of a lot .
My prediction...Market creeps up to 13000 this year and Mr. Obama gets re-elected.
Your thoughts?
This has been Wall Street Analyst Steve Goldman reporting.