Thursday, January 12, 2012

Don't Look Now, Lakers 8-4 and Kobe Playing at a Very High Level!

Sometimes the best trades are the ones that never get made . Case in point , the nixing of the Lakers -Chris Paul deal by David Stern . Yes, thay did lose Lamar Odom in the scrum , but all of a sudden Mitch Kupchak may be realizing what he's got aint so bad . Gasol, Bynum , Kobe et. al are finding ways to win.
Kobe , "the closest thing to Michael you'll ever see " , playing with the bad wrist has put the team on his back and is carrying them. Inside, outside, mid-range, drives to the hole name it, he's doing it . Fun to watch.
So with no real unbeatable team in the NBA, do the Lakers have enough to beat Chicago(yes), Dallas (yes) , OKC (great series), the Clippers (fun to watch that one ) and ultimately Miami (not so sure) ?
All I can do is click my heels together and say " there is no place like the NBA, there is no place like the NBA"!
Doubleheader tonight .

NBA analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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