Monday, January 2, 2012

Wall Street 2012; Back to Where We Started?

So here we go...2012 is here! Holidays are over for now. Kids back to school . New Years' resolutions...Planned diets. More exercise . Yeah, yeah you got it . One thing that starts out in 2012 almost exactly where it began 2011 is the Dow Jones .
Starting 2012 at about 12,200 , just a few points above 2011's start . So what did all the volatility, ups and downs, stress, worry, panic , buying, selling, downgrades , "Occupy Wall Street ", etc really mean . At the end of the day not a whole hell of a lot .
My prediction...Market creeps up to 13000 this year and Mr. Obama gets re-elected.
Your thoughts?
This has been Wall Street Analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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