Friday, January 27, 2012

Greg Kelly, You Couldn't Keep Your Pe__er in Your Pants....Your Current "Headache " is No Ones Fault But Your Own!

Merriam Webster defines " horniness " as an intense sexual desire . Synonyms include ardor, concupiscence ,eros, eroticism , itch, lustfulness and passion. And Greg, let's add in "stupid, careless, naive, dumb, dumb, stupid and of course(not inter-course silly) instant gratification...Oh yeah , and under the definition of "bad judgment " in the dictionary is your picture .
Greg, was she that hot ? Was shtupping on top of "Blacks Law Dictionary " really what it had cracked up to be ? Was the liason considered billable time for her ? How many times did you mention you were a Channel 5 Anchor and Police Commissioner Kelly's son during foreplay ? For all this trouble I HOPE YOU DID IT AT LEAST TWICE .
And Greg when did you forget you were a decorated Marine, respected news anchor and son of Commissioner Kelly ? Before the first drink, after the first kiss, ...right from the get go ? S-T-U-P-I-D !
Hopefully you'll extricate yourself from this nightmare , save your career and make peace(not piece of ass you dimwit) with your daddy. Rosanna Scotto is beside herself [literally].
And remember , next time you get that horny, just go to an Asian massage place...Much cheaper...And always a "happy ending"!

News correspondent Steve Goldman reporting.

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