Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nation's Dumbest Moves...South Carolina Citizens Voting for Gingrich is Right Up There With Their Secession From the Union in December 1860.

I gotta tell you, I have lost so much respect for the South Carolina Republicans who voted for Gingrich and handed him a victory in the recent Republican Presidential Primary. Everytime I see his face or hear his name I get the Hebe Gebes....He's weird, sneaky, unpredictable, loose-lipped, not fit to lead and looks a lot like Humpty Dumpty..Who will be his running mate? The Pillsbury Dough Boy?
South Carolina hasn't done anything this assinine since seceding from the Union on December 20th, 1860 . And we know how that turned out! Oy vey. So what could the people from the beautiful state of South Carolina have been thinking when they supported Gingrich? Was it a prank ? Was the field that weak?(yes) . I honestly don't know.

Wait , I think I have the answer . South Carolina is planning on seceding from the Union again, and this time instead of Jefferson Davis they want Newt (Pasty Face ) Gingrich to lead the Confederacy...Here we go again.......

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