Thursday, January 5, 2012

If a Republican is Elected President, I'm Moving to Canada .

I gotta tell you , that is one fu__in scary looking Republican field of candidates . I cringe just thinking about them . Well , three are basically out . Homophobic Michelle Bachman quit . She's opening a hair salon with Sara Palin.
"Right Wing Rick Perry " received one vote in all of Iowa from a retired Evangelical corn farmer . Newt Gingrich's ear size continues to grow . He's still living in a friggin time warp . One very weird guy ...Probably secretly enjoys whips and chains .
So that leaves us with Mitt Romney . I could never vote for someone with a first name which is the same as a piece of sports equipment ("baseball Mitt"). Then there is Ron Paul who is a "re-tread", who just won't retire . Did anyone say Tea Party ? I rest my case! Finally, Rick Santorum a former Senator and practicing attorney . Boy oh boy, Rick's legal careeer has been filled with big victories and noble causes, including his representation of the World Wrestling Federation in it's litigation where he argued that they should be exempt from steroid oversight because wrestling was not a sport. Just the kind of "health nut " we want in office . Maybe Barry Bonds will run as his VP.
So where does that leave the field ? South Carolina and New Hampshire are next . (Yawn).No more debates please, I'm begging you ! More torture.
Hey you know what, I got an idea . Let's "black out " all future coverage of the Republican primaries . Yeah, just wake me when it's over this summer and let me know who won . If necessary I can take a crash course in French, in case I actually have to move to Quebec. Oui, oui .

Political analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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