Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Knicks Hoops..When Was the Last Time You Saw Them Convert So Many Alley-oops in One Game ?

Well the Knicks got a "W " last night against Charlotte . It was not pretty, believe me ! The Knicks continue to make Boris Diaw look like he's all-world. But you know what? A win is a win .
To me the biggest positive to come out of this game besides Stoudemire's resurgence is the athleticism the Knicks displayed . Stoudemire, Melo, Chandler and Shumpert are very athletic and it showed last night . Four or five highlight reel type slams off alley-oop passes were uplifting to say the least !
Think hard , when was the last time four different Knick players got in the act ? And you know what, this will continue as defenses continue to double and triple team Stoudemire and Melo . Fun night at the Garden .
And yes the Knicks are 5 and 4.
Next up Sixers on Wednesday night.

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