Tuesday, January 31, 2012

MF Global Revisited..."Hey Mister Have You Seen My $1.28 Billion?"

Ok, correct me please as soon as I say something that sounds unreasonable (Not yet you knucklehead) . We have MF Global , a major financial institution , run by former Governor and US Senator Jon Corzine . There is over a billion dollars of customer $ missing . There are allegations and evidence that MF Global in it's final desperate days "tapped into client funds " to keep the ship alive. Corzine testifies in Congress and is treated by the members with kid gloves . Actually congratulated for a job well done(You know , effectively destroying the paper trail).
And "all the kings horses and all the kings men " cannot find one , red fu__in cent . MF's official position(I'm gagging) is "we don't know where the $ is"! Still , no indictments...just Bankruptcy business as usual . Lawyers, auditors, accountants and investment bankers getting richer. Corzine is probably planning his next venture already ....Only accepting money from deaf, dumb and blind people from Iowa, over 90 years old with net worths of $50 million and up. Bernie Madoff will be the treasurer, Ivan Boesky the CEO, Michael Milliken will be in charge of investments and Raj Rajaratnam will be in charge of "Research and Development". Can't miss!
So am I missing something here ? Or is there some logical(I meant contrived) explanation to all this?
You know what? I got the answer ..The next time someone asks you for an accounting of funds, just simply turn, look em straight in the eye and say " I honestly don't know where the money is ". Case closed! No further questions .

This has been Wall Street analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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