Thursday, February 2, 2012

Does It Pay To Be a Graffiti Artist ?...For David Choe it Does to the Tune of $200 million !

Have you ever taken part in a barter deal ? You know, you paint someone's house and they agree to do your tax return. Or you do work for for a new, start-up company and they give you some stock , for which it's value is completely unknown[Not to mention the Company's future uncertain ]. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't!
Well for David Choe , who painted the office walls of Facebook with graffiti several years ago he did in fact opt for stock instead of a payment in the " thousands of dollars ". He said at the time he thought Facebook's business seemed ridiculous . Well I know one thing which is fu__in ridiculous! The value of Choe's Facebook stock today . By the latest accounts his stock is worth around $200 million leading up to their Initial Public Offering .
Not bad for getting high and painting faces, bodies and other weird shit on the walls .
I wonder how much their freakin plumber is worth today for plunging a few toilets?

Your thoughts?

This has been Silicon Valley analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

Only in America!

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