Wednesday, February 8, 2012

D.A. Declines to Charge Greg Kelly...But is It Truly Over For Him?

Well, the D.A. made the right call not to pursue charges against New York City Police Commissioner Kelly's son in "Knuckle-HEAD -Gate " . Simply nothing there criminally . So, in a perfect world Greg Kelly learns a good, "HARD" lesson and moves on. But we do not live in a perfect world, do we ?
So what will happen next ? Will the woman sue Kelly? Will Kelly sue her for defamation? Will he get his job back? How will Rosanna Scotto now look at him ? Will he hire a PR firm to repair his damaged rep? Will he do a reality show, " Pickups at the Seaport "?
Somehow I don't think we've heard the end of this. But one thing is for sure , he just saved himself a bundle on legal fees. Hey Greg, how hot was she?

This has been New York beat reporter Steve Goldman reporting.

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