Tuesday, February 21, 2012

At 1:37 Today, Dow Hits 13,000 for First Time in 4 Years!

Ding dong the witch is dead. Yes I said it. After four turbulent panic-filled years, the Dow has clawed it's way back to 13,000 . Wall Street survived Lehman Brothers, AIG, Madoff, "Insider Trading" scandals and convictions, a Credit Crisis, Credit Swaps, Delta Desks, Bailouts, Goldman Sachs, the Mortgage Crisis, Mortgage-Backed Securities, Countrywide , "The Great Recession", Double Digit unemployment, Republicans in Congress and much, much more .
While the Dow almost three years ago was one bad week away from dipping into the 6,000's, somehow , some way it has rebounded reaching 13,000 once again....And in an election year.
Now hopefully a bank failure in Azerbajan won't cause things to come crashing down.

This has been market analyst Steve ($$'s) Goldman reporting.

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