Wednesday, February 29, 2012

If I was Romney I Wouldn't Be Smiling, I'd Be Wiping the Sweat Off My Brow and Exhaling !

I'm looking at Romney smiling this morning with his big capped teeth on the front page of the New York Times. Now I guess anyone can be happy for any reason ...But Romney is apparently thrilled with winning his home state Michigan by a nose with an equally unimpressive win in Arizona over Santorum aka "Sanitorium ". Super Tuesday around the corner!
I gotta tell you if I'm Romney and just squeaked out two close wins(If you call them that) over the "Constitution Basher" I would be thanking my lucky stars , but coming to the realization of how vulnerable I am in the primary and then against Obama .
Hey Mitt, just continue to earn, pay nominal taxes and spend on commercials . The money is not really yours, just the spoils of the companies you devoured. Did somebody say Blue Star Airlines ?
But Mitt, don't despair . When you get trounced this November, you can have a money fund up and running in a matter of days !

This has been political analyst Steve "FDR " Goldman reporting.

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