Thursday, February 23, 2012

Floyd Mayweather Jr. , Give Credit Where Credit is Due !

Much has been made of Mayweather's recent comments about Jeremy Lin . Essentially, Floyd said that all the hype, adulation , etc concerning Lin was unwarranted and that he had only received all the attention he has gotten because he is Asian-American . Floyd, give it a rest!
Do you watch basketball , or do you make sh_t up as you go along? Lin has taken a troubled, floundering team and franchise and over the course of 10 plus games has put them on his shoulders and brought back respect, integrity, interest and renewed expectation for this team. While Lin is truly a great guy, he simply has let his play do the talking. Defenses focus on him first ...Quite a show of respect .
Never has the ascension of one player in a team sport been so amazing. Lin has played tremendously, and is getting better and more controlled each outing.
So Floyd, while you're serving your little sentence come June, maybe you can subscribe to MSG Network to pass the time.

Sports beat writer Steve "Lin " Goldman reporting.

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