Monday, February 6, 2012

Giants Football ; Best Super Bowl I Ever Saw !

I've watched a lot of football in my life . Honestly I even remember as a 6 or 7 year old kid with my dad watching the "Ice Bowl ", Dallas Green Bay in what was it, 1966 or 1967 . Remember Namath in Super Bowl 3 . Hype and impact amazing , game though I recall was not the most exciting Super Bowl ever .
We've seen many great teams and great players . Green Bay, Steelers, Cowboys, Oakland, Washington, 49ers, Giants, Denver, Bears , New England, Ravens . The list goes on and on ! And despite most fans' gripe "that the the Super Bowl never lives up to it's hype " we've seen some really exciting games in the past 10 years !
For me though, there was something special about this game. The rematch . Eli and Coughlin going for their second. Brady and Belichick going for their 4th. Brady trying to join Bradshaw and Montana. Eli trying to pass Peyton. The Giants improbable end of the year run. New York vs. Boston. Coughlin-Belichick history . So much buildup.
So when I ate my pre-game meal of nachos, wings and ribs , I got so sleepy I had to drink a Five Hour Energy Drink instead of a cold one to get revived . The game was awesome . Two evenly matched teams. When the Giants got down 17-9 , that's when the nerves and sweating started. We've come so far, are they actually better than us?
I even used that famous nervous husband sports -fan line on my wife(kids were sleeping )..."No talking "! So when Eli burned those 2 timeouts , we all thought they would come back and haunt us. As it turned out, Belichick's failed challenge actually cost them.
So Bradshaw scores the TD . I think it was the right move ...God forbid a field goal is blocked or shanked . But not one of the 100 million people watching the game thought with Brady, that it was actually over . And in reality if Welker and Hernandez don't drop those passes late in the game we may not be having this discussion .
And as if NBC wrote the script, the game goes down to a final play, a Hail Mary from Brady which is tipped several times in the end zone before it landed incomplete. The pressure, stress, prayers, nerves , sweat, emotions....Unmatched for me in Super Bowl history!

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