Monday, February 27, 2012

Santorum is Just as Scary as Perry and Gingrich !

I got to tell you, the Republican field's true colors come out more and more with each passing day . The more craziness I hear out of Santorum's mouth , the harder I root for an accelerated rebound of the economy to enhance Obama's likelihood of re-election. It's hard to grasp what this country would be like with one of these "Republican losers " in the White House . SCARY!
Well , as far as I'm concerned Santorum's latest idiotic comments cemented the fact that he is totally unfit to be President. Remember that thing called the U.S. Constitution .You know the thing that all Presidents swear to uphold ?
Well Mr. Santorum has stated in no uncertain terms " I don't believe in an absolute separation of Church and State"! Rick, anything else you don't like about the Constitution ? We can edit it for you. Next thing we know you'll abolish Miranda Rights, condone warrantless searches and authorize putting cameras in private citizen's bedrooms. You can form your own little "bizarro-land " and call it "Santorumville ". Why not just pipe religious prayer into all kids homerooms and study halls.
And of course anyone who is "different " from you can be deported without due process. Getting exciting Rick ? Well calm down . In case you haven't noticed your own party is pulling against you knowing you're totally unelectable in a general election.
But Ricky boy, don't despair . When Romney finally gets the Republican nod, you and pasty face Newt can team up and run on the "washed up ticket ".Woops, that is if Ron Paul doesn't fill that slot first .
And please, no more debates....I'm begging you !

This has been political correspondent Steve "Scoop " Goldman reporting.

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