Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dow Jones Industrial Has Now Tasted 13,000, But Can it Stay There?

Several times since last Tuesday, the Dow has risen above 13,000 during the trading day but then dipped back below that magic number. Like right now at 10:47 EST the DOW has climbed to 13,000 on early gains. But can it stabilize and close "a trading day " over 13,000?
It reminds me of the NFL running back who finally reaches 1000 yards in an NFL season, but lo and behold on the next play he's dropped for a three yard loss and is back to 998 rushing yards. He then has to scratch and claw to get over a thousand yards and stay there.
This is now the challenge for the Dow . Ride the positives like you're on board Secretariat , get over 13,000 and stay there !
Who knows, then 13,250 may be in our sights .

This has been Wall Street market analyst Steve Goldman reporting.

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