Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Jeremy Lin, Is He For Real, Or a Flash in The Pan?

This has not been "the dream year " that die-hard Knick fans had envisioned with Amare, Melo , Chandler and Company. Strike shortened season, an almost non-existent training camp, injuries galore to Melo , shooting woes for "all" and most glaringly Stoudemire looking lost for most of the year with the exception of "the breakout game " against the Bulls last Wednesday . Our condolences and prayers go out to the entire Stoudemire family for their recent devastating loss.
So I think it would be fair to say that there has not been a lot to cheer about . Two very tough losses in a row against the Bulls and Celtics . Things were not looking good . Too early in the year to throw in the towel , but lets face it...Jared Jeffries is not taking us "to the promised land"!
So Saturday night, when most New Yorkers were chomping at the bit for Sunday night and the Super Bowl to start already, out of a magical fairy tale script comes little Jeremy Lin...Yes, Harvard economics grad with a 3.1 GPA(Higher than his NBA career scoring average ) . I have to confess(no bullshit) , that earlier in the year when I watched him during "garbage time " in a few blowouts I did say to myself that this kid is the closest thing we have to a bona fide distributing-type point guard .
But never, ever, ever did I or anyone ever imagine he would come out of nowhere Saturday night and score 25 and lead us to a win that was so desperately needed against the Nets . Can you top that ? Yes indeed! Last night against a good Jazz team he does it again...28 points , 8 assists , spectacular play after spectacular play. Correct decision after correct decision. Drives, left hand, right hand , finding the open man, jumpers and the biggest shot of the night a three pointer with the shot clock expiring to seal things ! Who cares about the 8 turnovers.
The Garden, the team, New York, the Chinese-American community, the NBA...Everybody going nuts . Lin jerseys being printed by the thousands ...Wowee!
Will it last ? Will other teams adjust ? Is the surprise factor gone ? Is he strong enough to play every day? What will happen when Baron Davis is ready to play ?
Anyway, lets wait and see and enjoy the moment . For now , can we pull off three straight with Lin at the helm?

Your thoughts?

Go figure.

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