Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Goldman Feel-Good Stories; Oscar Pistorius, South African "Double Amputee" to Compete in the Track and Field World Championships...Wow!

Oscar Pistorius, born without fibulas in either leg, will be the first amputee athlete to compete in Track and Field's World Championships. Pistorius who runs with bilateral prosthetics was cleared to run by a 2008 decision making him eligible to compete. He will race in the 400 meters and the "4 x 400 relay" . Let me remind you he will be running against competitors with two natural legs. He will be attempting to qualify for the 2012 Olympics in London.
While there is some surrounding controversy relating to "whether there is an advantage to racing " with light weight custom -made prostethics, his accomplishments in my opinion are breathtaking. The dedication , perseverence and inner toughness should be inspiration for all of us .
Good luck Oscar...You can do it!

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