Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pat Summit; Great Woman's Basketball Coach at Tennessee Has Early Signs of Dementia, But Will Continue to Coach Away!

The world has changed so dramatically in the last 4o years in a million different ways. Today, more so than ever in modern times, individuals have "gone public " with a variety of issues including addictions, HIV , being gay, childhood abuse, being diagnosed with cancer and their battles against other illnesses as well. The strength and bravery in doing so should not be diminished. Going public serves many purposes. It brings attention to issues. Gives the fortitude to others to cope and of course serves as a way for the individual to be honest with themselves and others and to gain support and help , if need be.
Pat Summit , the great basketball coach at Tennessee has done just that. She has been diagnosed at age 59 with the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease, apparently a condition which other family members have suffered from. It's a progressive condition with no known cure, but is treated by "medication and managing the symptoms". It affects different people in different ways. Coach Summit just advised her team of her condition and after consulting with her physicians at the Mayo Clinic decided to "keep on keeping on "! She will coach as long as able, rely more on her assistants and staff than ever and will not feel sorry for herself. A message that we should all more than superficially absorb.
I am sure her announcement will help countless others, highlight the need for more research in seeking a cure and allow others to seek help as well.
In the meantime she will continue to do what she has done better than almost any other person in history....Coach basketball ! And by the way, don't feel sorry for her because next thing you know you could be down 30 points to her "Lady Volunteers"!
Pat , you are a model of strength and class for all!

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