Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What Would Things Have Been Like If Ralph Branca Was Jewish?

So we now know that Ralph Branca's mother, Kati Berger from Hungary was Jewish. That fact, under Jewish custom and tradition would make Branca Jewish. Branca , who played with the Brooklyn Dodgers pitched in the "majors " from 1944-1956. He is most remembered for giving up "the shot heard around the world" to the New York Giants Bobby Thompson. Devastating to this day for Dodger fans!
So how would things have been for Branca, The Dodgers and Brooklyn, if Branca a devout Roman Catholic for his entire adult life , was actually a practicing Jew? Let's remember that Brooklyn in the 1940's and 1950's was largely Jewish as well.
First of all, until Koufax came around in 1955 , Branca probably would have been the most popular Dodger. Would have had a bagel named after him and I'm sure " a Ralph Branca sandwich"; corned beef, roast beef and turkey with Russian dressing and cole slaw on rye. He would certainly have had his own tv/radio show, owned a men's clothing store and maybe even would have worshipped at a local temple.
Billboards everywhere with Branca's likness. Branca's deli, Branca's Used Cars. Branca, B'nai B'rith's "Man of the Year" . Ralph Branca for Mayor! And a perfect ending to his career...passing the torch to the greatest Jewish pitcher of all-time, Sandy Koufax!
I can only imagine!

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