Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rick Perry, Governor of Texas; What Happened to Separation of Church and State ? Am I Missing Something Here ?

Ok, here are the facts . Rick Perry is the Governor of Texas, the nation"s second largest state. He is a "Presidential Hopeful" . He is a conservative outspoken Christian and has preached since 1997 .
So that brings us to yesterday's "public prayer rally" at Reliant Stadium in Houston . Governors from all across the country were invited to this religious event. Governor Perry used his position as Texas Governor , stature , reputation and influence as the highest elected official in Texas to organize the event, draw people and lend credibility to the gathering. Emails have been sent out from his official address and he has made "no ifs, ands or buts" that THIS IS THE GOVERNOR OF TEXAS' RALLY!
So has Mr. Perry crossed over line separating Church and State ? You better believe he has. Furthermore, based on accounts in the New York Times, he has violated the 1962 landmark decision of the US Supreme Court prohibiting organized prayer in public schools on several occasions as well.
Most distressing perhaps is the fact that the sponsor of the rally is listed as "an antigay hate group" by a well-respected watchdog organization. Rick Perry is dangerous, won't hesitate to violate the law, has run amok of the "separation of Church and State " and now considers himself a serious Presidential Contender. His arrogance and lack of respect for the US Constitution are mind boggling.
Religion and faith of all denominations are undoubtedly an important fabric of our society . The actions of elected officials are what make our country run. There cannot be any overlap of any kind! Or for that matter even the appearance of overlap. We as Americans should not condone it in any shape, form or manner. Not now, not ever!
And Governor Perry, next time you want to participate in a prayer rally simply participate as "Rick Perry private citizen". That's the way the US Constitution and Supreme Court say it should be done.

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